art-apple-harvestIt all starts with the apple. A sweet, tart, organically grown Granny Smith. We remember our summer days of yore spent hanging out on our grandmother’s stoop enjoying fresh cut Granny Smith apples. Their bright green, perfectly tart, crisp snapping, juicyness brings back those memories today. And that tartness is what lends it’s self most excellently to be coated with a wide variety of sweet confections.

Now, not just any old Granny Smith will do for us. No sir-ee! We strive to provide apples that represent apple-y perfection, which is why we scour local farmer’s markets and befriend local growers in search of apples that meet our high standards.

We also hold dear the idea we should be environmentally responsible, which is another reason we buy local. We also strive to provide packaging that meet these goals as well. Including using renewable bamboo for our candy apple sticks.